It looks like Walmart Christmas clearance hit 90% yesterday morning! I was really busy yesterday, so I didn't get it posted.
This is my small haul from Walmart, plus I purchased a Holiday Winter Princess "My Life As" doll for only $13!
My local store had a LOT of the holiday projectors left. I also saw a couple Mickey Mouse scrub tops for $1.50, and other odds and ends. This is all I ended up with though. I might go back today and see if I can find any "hidden" deals such as things that are misplaced or just no one knows they are marked down.
The item in the back on the left is a Gurunanda personal diffuser, it was $1.98. The hat was 69¢, the spatula 29¢, Tic Tac Toe was 49¢, Wax Warmer was $1.50, and the stickers are not Christmas or holiday, but many of the designs were scanning at only 10¢. If you have children or grandchildren, you know how fast stickers can be used up! Also, some of these would be great for projects such as scrapbooking or cardmaking. They are really nice designs.