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The receipt (as shown) states that the clearance will be and EXTRA 50% off of "Seasonal Clearance and more" ... and goes on to specify "select" of different categories such as:
- Blue and /or gray dot apparel
- Pink dot accessories
- Easter
- Yellow star toys
- Disney Infinity
- Select ASOTV (I'm thinking these are the ones already marked down or in the clearance area.)
The receipt says nothing about core clearance ALTHOUGH the stores that I have talked to as well as signs that are being posting in the stores say that core clearance WILL be included. This may or may NOT be everywhere! Dollar General keeps their customers confused on sales and clearance ... I'm not sure if they do this on purpose ... but it sure seems like it sometimes.
So, anyway, I took some pictures in the store of what is considered "core" clearance and have matched them with coupons. See below.
I am hoping to get more pictures later, but can't promise that I will have the time.
I am hoping to get more pictures later, but can't promise that I will have the time.